Telling my side of the story

WARNING: I'm not that deep.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Getting to the Next Level

Oh boy. The next level. We had a guest speaker at one of my classes that really got me thinking about getting to the next level. This guy is pretty young – he worked for huge companies in corporate America, did some consulting, rode the dotcom wave when it was good, is now back in school getting his PhD, and has already been offered a lecturing gig at one of the big universities in the Northeast. That's his career path and it seems to be working out very nicely for him. He's done things that I wish I could do - work with companies both big and small and then pass on the knowledge to young minds. It was really enlightening seeing and listening to a very accomplished, talented, well-spoken black man. Yes, he was a brother. I was in complete awe. Not just me, I could tell that the entire class wanted to soak up this man's knowledge. It’s just not something you see often. When the prof emailed us his credentials to let us know more about who was coming, I was expecting an older white gentleman. You know, the typical 'guest speaker'. So when I got to class yesterday and saw him, it took a minute to register that this was our guest speaker. But that’s really not the point of my whole shpill i.e. that is really not why I am writing this.

The guy made me think about my next step career-wise. He made a comment, an assumption that everyone in class was there to fulfill some sort of goal that couldn’t be described as altruistic. He also said we were probably not there for enlightenment alone. And I thought, hmm… not quite sir, I really am here because I want a deeper level of learning, something better than my undergraduate education; I want to learn the implications of things and not just memorize the definitions like we did in undergrad. My Masters degree will be something that I can be proud of – some personal accomplishment, nothing else.

Even though my reasons for getting another degree started off more or less for different reasons, this guy has made me wonder if I should perhaps be a little more ambitious career-wise. Here’s my current philosophy: I love my job, I love the company I work for, if I can’t work for myself, I will continue to work for this company. That’s been my mantra for the past six or so years. Even when work gets unbelievably boring or I don’t seem to be making much of an impact, my mantra keeps me going. It’s a great company to work for- both for personal and professional reasons. The professional reasons are somewhat boring but on the personal side, where else can I get thirty days of vacation? Yes, that’s thirty days in America! I think that is one of the things that has kept me here. I love the number of days I can take off and do my own thing. However, if I am to take control of my career and get to the next level, I cannot be complacent. I cannot continue to come up with excuses for being complacent. I need to build up my resume. Diversify. Broaden my horizon. Get up outta here one day. I have been complacent for the past six years and I could keep going like this for the next thirty years as long as I keep moving up the ladder. However, is that enough for me to one day look back and say, wow, I had such an accomplished career? In today's world, sticking with the same company for a lifetime is unheard of. I need to think about my next step. Seriously.

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Blogger Ms. May said...

I am so with you here. I'm studying so hard for my GMAT...I take it Feb 10th. I am so ready for the next step(s) of my life. I have put off going back for about 2 years now and recently decided that my inaction was just stupid. Now I'm acting, I'm a little scared but it feels good. Did you take the GMAT? Any study tips would be great...esp on those darned Data Sufficiency q's, and how to maximize time during the exam. Thanks!

1:28 AM  
Blogger Ajike said...

you sure got me thinking... i just got into the workforce but i know that staying in front of a computer at least 8 hrs a day can't be gratifying for long... and as for owning my business, the thot scares me as in will i do a good job? you know one thing only God can guide us in the right path.... All the best thinking about your next step... I have started to think about mine....
I miss primary and secondary school when I had no worries... :)

10:18 PM  
Blogger Gbemi's Piece said...

Ms. May - Goodluck with the GMAT! Congratulations taking that step. It can be scary but I'm sure the rewards will be worth it. That GMAT was no joke but seriously, I don't remember the data sufficiency questions. I took the GMAT a looooong time ago and I really don't remember much about the details. I was so ready to be done with it. One thing that really helped was going through a million and one test questions. The more you do, the better you get with timing and the better your score. With timing, I would just say move on when you can't answer one question and come back to it later. Also, have some kind of target in mind as to how much time to devote to each question so you don't run out of time. I think mine was 1.5min per q. Again, my memory doesn't serve me too well so goodluck! I'll be sending good vibes your way on the 10th.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Gbemi's Piece said...

Ajike - I feel you. Weren't those days the bomb? Now that we are in the world of grown ups, we are longing for those days. Goodluck with your future plans! May we have as much success as we desire (and can handle).

11:10 AM  

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