Telling my side of the story

WARNING: I'm not that deep.

Friday, November 09, 2007

What Do Nigerians Excel In?

I've been thinking a lot lately about what it is that Nigerians do very well. What is it that we excel in? What one thing or maybe two, three or four things can we say that Nigerians are really good at? I don't know if I am not thinking through this really well but I really am not sure. We are definitely good at many things but as far as excelling in certain areas, I don't know. You know how the Swiss are known for their watches, the Belgians for their chocolates, waffles, beer, the Germans for their cars, the French for their food, fashion, strikes (LOL).... What is it that Nigerians do really well? Someone said 419 but just like an Italian would reject the notion that they are known for their association with mafias, I reject that notion also. I probably would come up with an answer to this myself but was wondering out loud.



Blogger Unknown said...

We excel in everything we set our mind to

12:02 PM  
Blogger Naapali said...

Gbemi, with respect your question is unfair. The examples you use have you comparing homogenous societies with a long history of doing the same thing with a young society still trying to find itself. Did the Swiss excel in clock making 500 yrs ago? The Belgians in chocolate making 200 yrs ago?
Nigerians excel in thriving. We excel in making the best of a bad situation (some could argue the reverse is also true). Take your average 18 yr old Belgian, Swiss or American child, and dump them in Naija without papers or a social network and see how quickly it takes them to beg to get out.

4:08 PM  

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