Mama Gotta Work
In a few days, I will be kissing my son (and DH - let me not forget my dear DH) goodbye and heading off to the airport. I so hate it. I so dread it. But Mama gotta work. So soon after getting off maternity leave, I'm already leaving my child. How's that for a welcome back? Speaking of my welcome back, it's so funny how those pregnancy magazines prepared me for my first day back. I'd read so many articles on how to 'ease' back in, how to show you've still got it, and how to deal with co-workers and bosses who think you've just come back from a loooooooong vacation in Hawaii. Those articles sure prepared me for what I was about to face. But nothing, NOTHING could have prepared me for my boss saying : "How do you feel about traveling?" on my FIRST day back.
Excuse me, how the (many, many bad words) am I supposed to feel? How about I feel like quitting but need to be responsible and not do anything that drastic? I was supposed to travel my first week but put it off until now. I'm trying to get a positive outlook about it all. It would be hard to spend just one night away from Blu. I doubt that I'll get any sleep. But Mama's gotta work. And Mama's decided to do a good job while she's at it. No point in half stepping. I done entered it so I might as well do my best.
wow! that's got to be tough...
i don't know how you mothers do it... balance work, the homelife...?!
UGH that really sucks...thank God for the pump.
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