Telling my side of the story

WARNING: I'm not that deep.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Nanny vs. Daycare

Once again we are doing the nanny-daycare-nanny-daycare dance. What's it going to be? I was almost settling into the idea of Blu going to the daycare at DH's job when an opportunity came to interview a few nannies. After narrowing it down to two potential candidates, I think we might be getting a nanny but I'm not sure. I still need to think through it. I'm all about the details sometimes. I'm thinking about things such as will she eat our food or bring hers in? This is a somewhat valid concern because we never have a fully stocked fridge being that I put grocery shopping at the back of my to do list. Should she cook for us? They both offered to and I said no, that's okay. I was immediately reprimanded by a friend who said I should have left it open.

One of the candidates wanted to know if it was okay to bring her 4-year old with her. I'm not opposed to it but can I get sued if her daughter gets injured ? (not a very valid concern but I did think about it) Will the little girl be noisy on the days that I have to work from home? This particular nanny knows CPR and can drive so that definitely outweighs any cons associated with bringing her daughter. As for the other nanny, I really, really liked her. There's something about an older woman that just screams mother, caring, stable. She may not be, who knows? But I really liked her just on sight. One thing though, she doesn't speak too much English. Is that even correct? She didn't speak much during the interview and I'm wondering if we'll have communication issues. Again, I liked her because she seems stable and I'm looking for someone who is willing to work with us for a few years. I want someone who's going to love on him almost like his Mama (my term) and be happy doing it. The ideal candidate would be someone like our dada who was just so sweet bringing us puff puff every morning on her way to work. My mom says she still asks after us.

As far as daycare goes, it won't be that inconvenient should we choose to go that route. DH will take Blu with him everyday since the daycare is in his building. However, we would have to get him ready in the morning (and we are so not morning people ourselves) and there are days when we would almost break our necks trying to pick him up before the 6pm or else deadline. Of course the daycare environment is somewhat stable in the sense that they won't quit on you (usually). I'm just not sure about the loving part - the babies stay in their cots all day long and are not held or cuddled much.

Right now, I am loving the freedom having a nanny would give us. We could go out to eat/play/whatever without Blu; I could go get my nails done on my way home from work; when my sister visits we could leave our babies with the nanny and just take off! It all seems exciting now but all of this is dependent on finding the right dada for Blu.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had my baby 9 weeks ago and i am able to take a year off, which is our entitlement in the UK. However the childcare/nanny thing is a big issue for nearly all mums.

I'm a corporate lawyer so you can imagine my colleagues 'eyes' when i said i was pregnant. The reaction wasn't too good so i won't get much support from them when the time comes to go back to work.

I've decided to go for a daycare/nursery. Being the typical Nigerian i'm just a bit cautious about leaving someone in my house all day!

Life changes when you have a child and i was well aware that i would now be subject to time constraints, becoming an early morning person et al. So i'm kinda ready for the daycare routine.

Good luck. I'm sure you'll make the right decision for you.


9:14 AM  
Blogger Naapali said...

I feel u in ur piece. Our younger one is almost three and is now in daycare. We still weigh the nanny option and it does have many advantages as you have listed above. Others include your child not being exposed to daycare bugs and there are many. Our daughter was cold/flu free for almost two years and then had a cold/week once she started daycare. Also daycares observe every holiday whether you are working or not. But having said that, the nanny means having an outsider in your home and trusting they will treat your child like you would want your child treated.
Good luck with your decision!

11:41 AM  
Blogger Nonesuch said...

i have 2 of own and i have tried both daycare and nanny. i stayed at home for the 1st year and he went to daycare after that cos Mama has to work. He always had a upper respiratory infection though his socials skills were really good. he still is very warm and friendly.
With my 2nd son. i decided to have a Nanny who lived with us.I can count he number of times he has being ill but he has zero social skills.He is in his own world at home eating and sleeping and watching Barney.
if you ask me which i like i will say both for different reasons but i prefer the nanny(given that you have a realiable one)cos the child get to enjoy the stability of home instead of the running up and down keeping up with schedules and all.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may not be much of an expert, seeing that I do not have any children of my own yet, however, I prefer the nanny. I know I will go that route when I do become a Mom. It's enough work to bathe and feed myself in the morning and I so do not want to worry about doing that for a kicking and screaming bundle of joy.
Hence, I think Blu will be better at home with a nanny. The pros like others said he'll be bug free, et al. However, if the nanny you said you liked speaks Spanish or some other language, I'll suggest you insist that she speaks that to Blu if you hire her, that way, he become multi-lingual, that's assuming you plan to teach him an African language in additio to English. With the social skills part, put him in a Sunday School class, that's if you go to church, take him to the park on the weekends to mingle in the sandbox, take him to the library, and schedule many play dates. But please go for the nanny and all the best raising him to become a fine young man. And Oh! don't forget to install a nanny cam ;o)

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd be so paranoid having a nanny cuz of the 'stranger' factor.. and daycares are safer cuz theres loads more kids so its less likely one'll be 'picked on'... i'm not a mother but i'm already paranoid!!
do what fits best i guess. good luck!

1:47 PM  

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