Telling my side of the story

WARNING: I'm not that deep.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

School Report

Child, this school thing is kicking my behind. I don't really have time to blog but took a break from studying to report that it's not as easy as I thought it would be. I mean, I didn't think it would be easy but I had no idea how involved it would be. So, I had a quiz on my first day of class. I mean, who does that? The first day is supposed to be about fluffy stuff. The typical first day of class should be about introductions, the who are you, why are you in this program, what do you hope to achieve kind of stuff. The normal first day of class should be about housekeeping items like don't use your cell phone in class, you can only be absent twice and you have till this date to drop the class type of stuff. The usual first day of class would of course include going over the syllabus and getting an overview of the class.

That was not the case for me. We didn't even do the introductions that I was dreading. The guy came in and said, "take everything off your desk except a pen or a pencil, you're having a quiz." It wasn't a fluffy quiz either. It was the real thing. We had to do work without even knowing what the class is about. Apparently, he does this with every class to test people's prior knowledge of the subject matter. Okay, if I had prior knowledge, I wouldn't be in class, would I? Anyway, I've had two more quizzes since my first day (June 13th). Keep in mind that this class meets only twice a week. So that's an average of one quiz per class. I have another one tomorrow. So I'm back to studying.



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