Telling my side of the story

WARNING: I'm not that deep.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Birthday Wishes

So my birthday's coming up soon and here's what I really want:
 A bimmer - Prententious, yes, but I really want one. I drove DH's a few days this past week and it felt really good. It drove like a dream and felt very solid. No need for further explanation. It's a nice car and I want one. Don't know that I'll be getting it though. Maybe next year. I dropped hints a little too late. Besides, all the times he asked if I wanted to change my car, I said no because I was being a cheapo as usual.
 A new wardrobe. I want a newer, hipper look. My current look is pretty boring. My closet is full of basic stuff from Sisley/Benetton, Banana Republic, and Loehmans. I want to diversify and have a younger, hipper look. Especially when it comes to work. I am doing a little okay on the play side although that could use some freshening up.
 A cleaning company to help clean every couple of weeks. My friends call me lazy but I think there's more that I could be doing with my time. If I had a cleaning company, I could concentrate of filing my mail and getting rid of excess junk.
 Pick up the pace. I haven't been riding since last summer. My bike's still looking very new.
 Renovate. I want to finish doing my bedroom and re-paint the whole place. That would be a nice gift.

Not too much to ask, huh?


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