Telling my side of the story

WARNING: I'm not that deep.

Monday, March 17, 2008

He said Mama and other happenings

Just this morning as I was getting ready to go to work, I heard Nanny #3 teaching Blu to say Mama. I've never asked her to do that so I thought "good woman" and went about my normal business. Next thing, as I was putting on my shoes, I heard him say "Mama". Oh, joy! My boy done did it! He said Mama! I was thrilled but that feeling I was hoping for wasn't quite there because I know he's sounding off. He doesn't mean it for real. Still, I'm glad he knows how. I'll be happier when he says it to me and knows what it means.

Other than that, I've started thinking about his first birthday. I was hoping we'd move by the time his first birthday comes around. But alas, with the market the way it is, I doubt that we'll be moving any time soon. Since our place is not conducive to the kind of party I want (with animals and all) I'll have to think of something else. Meanwhile, I've made several edits to my imaginary invitee list. I am uninviting people that haven't come to see him. Haba, one whole year? Forget that. Anyone that hasn't visited him won't be invited. I'll have to tell a 'friend' who already said she's bringing two kids if I have a party.

Boy, do this kid wear me out. I am physically tired just trying to keep up with the little guy. And he can't even walk. He loves his freedom and so every once in a while when he's tired of being held, I'll put him down and let him to do his thing. The only thing is that I can't turn my back when he's roaming the grounds. The other day, he tried to stick his finger in an electrical outlet and before that, I think he licked my shoe. Double ewwww! I washed his mouth out. Three times. Can't believe he'd do such a thing.



Blogger KemiMamaLopes said...

I think frequent blog visitors should get some brownie points. Lopes needs to go to more parties :) As for the eating and licking things, my niece once licked a doorstop clean. Still shake when I think about it and it was over 10 years ago. Best to think Blu is just building up his immunity.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Uzo said...

Animals? Interesting indeed. I agree that people that havent been to see him a year on should not be invited..obviously they wont care...

So what else will you do? Why dont you have the party at some place like a Chuck E Cheese...

3:02 AM  
Blogger Zayzee said...

first time here. he said mama and he's not yet one? good try. just prepare ur ears down for stories from him.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Gbemi's Piece said...

@Kemimamalopes - Yes o, you and Lopes are invited. You just moved to the top of the list with your last statement there.

@Uzo - You know how wacky parents can get. That was just a thought I had. Implementation is always another matter. I haven't been to Chuck E Cheese so we'll have to see...

@Uzezi - It was more like ma-ma. Not the real deal. Still, it has been long awaited! And yes, I can't wait for him to talk my ear off!!!

11:41 AM  
Blogger Ms. May said...

So I just caught up with your blog after a long time. It's so great that you seem to be handling everything well - husband, baby, health, home and work. You go!

9:12 AM  
Blogger Jennifer A. said...

Lol...he licked ur shoe? Euuuueeeewwww...

2:06 PM  
Blogger SOLOMONSYDELLE said...

Hahahaha, these boys! I am laughing at you r statement that he can't walk but tires you out already. Well, best of luck with your little joyful, handful.

Take care and send cake to me and my pickins after the bday oh!


5:13 PM  
Blogger 'Yar Mama said...

not even one and speaking. He will surely be a chatterbox. Dont worry about the shoelicking, germs dey fear African children...

6:23 PM  
Blogger 'Yar Mama said...

not even one and speaking. He will surely be a chatterbox. Dont worry about the shoelicking, germs dey fear African children...

6:23 PM  
Blogger Naapali said...

long time. I hope y'all are well (in my best ATL accent)

5:54 PM  
Blogger Gbemi's Piece said...

@Naapali - See what you done caused? (in my best ATL accent - LOL). I took your advice and shut off that comment confirmation thingy. Now, I'm getting SPAM comments. Anyway, yes, it's been a while. I hope all's well with you too.

3:26 PM  

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