Leaving the Goody-Goodie Behind
At work, I’m rapidly gaining a reputation that I need to discard. I am quickly becoming the safe, boring black girl on the team. It is becoming rather obvious because ain’t that many black girls to begin with and second of all, ain’t that many that fall into the goody-goodie category. I think all this is coming from our oga pata pata (boss’s boss) saying something about me being somewhat of a goody-goodie. People thought it was a compliment but inside I was like, “I’m never going to get anywhere now”.
This whole thing has got me worried. Probably because I have seen that there’s not too much in a goody-goodie’s future career-wise. The goody-goodie is only good for doing the stuff that nobody wants to do but everyone knows the goody-goodie will do without complaining. I am worried about being excluded from the upward-bound list at work because of their impression of me. It all sounds so high school to me even as I write this.
Whenever we go out as a group, I NEVER drink. NEVER. EVER. That of course makes my situation worse. The last time the team met up for drinks at a wine bar, I ordered bottled water. The thing is, I think it is tacky to drink on the job or outside work with work folks. I have seen way too many people act inappropriately because of alcohol to know that I never want to be like that. This is coming for somebody that has never gotten drunk. I just don’t want to take any chances.
So, I have decided that the next best thing I can do is to stop looking so dowdy at work. My work style is way too conservative - probably because I've become more conservative outside of work. When I look at the people at the top, most of them got some element of je ne sais quoi about them, in addition to having the necessary skill set needed to do the work. I sense a relooking coming.
Noooo. From one good goody to another. To thine own self, be true
I think you just wrote my life...and I mean my life as it is now....
everybody needs a reason to revamp their wardrobe. and one that pays the bills? a better reason i am yet to find! you go girl. hope it helps
Max ONE drink,at dinner.At lunch, water.I agree it is tacky to drink at work but for me only if you will return back to work that day.If you will go home after the event or dinner, my ONE drink rule applies.
Just a couple of suggestions for you.
Or this one (trousers instead of jeans)
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I trust the ability that got you thus far will carry you even farther. I don't drink and don't go out with the drinking folks for that reason. People understand I work and I go home to my family. I do what I do as well as anyone else and better than most and that is sufficient. I have no fear about advancement because I know I can always get up and leave. Life is too short to get involved in office wahala. As that aphorism goes to thine own self be true, or in modern palance "do you"!
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