Telling my side of the story

WARNING: I'm not that deep.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tenant's Response

The tenant's response finally came in the mail. Here's what she says in response to the dispossessory warrant I filed:

"Due to illness, I have been unable to work and therefore I became delinquent on my rent. Given more time I willbe ableto pay late rent. I will say that up untill (sp) now my landlord and I have had an excellent relationship. I deeply regret my present circumstance. I am working on producing owed rent."

I feel bad for her but I doubt that she hasn't been working. The last time we spoke, she said that she was expecting a paycheck on Friday and that she might pay me the Tuesday after she gets her check. It was the 'might' in her statement that made me realize that she was planning to live in my townhouse rent-free. Now, that she's responded instead of letting go, we have to go to court. I'm in the middle of getting all my docs in a row. I don't have much court experience apart from Judge Mathis so I'm trying to lay out all the things that might be asked of me -
 proof that it's my property...check
 proof that the mortgage on said property is in good standing…check
 rental agreement/lease…check
 copy of dispossessory warrant…check
 copy tenant's documented response…check
 driver's license to identify myself…in my purse

Luckily, she's not disputing the fact that she is behind on her rent so we'll just need to sort out where to go from here; whether or not she'll be leaving so that I can rent the place to someone else. Other than that, I really don't know what to expect. I wonder if it's like traffic court where you have to sit through a bunch of cases before your case is called. I have a feeling that it'll be similar. Hopefully, it'll be more interesting than traffic court kinda sorta like Judge Mathis where you have sons suing their mothers. Hopefully, I won't see anyone I know. Somehow, I feel bad saying I have to go to court. Almost makes me feel like I did something wrong. There's way too much going on in my life - bootcamp, work, mid-terms, this court thingy and a dentist's appointment right after to get all four wisdom teeth out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... this case is really heating up! Hope it all works out in your favor. Actually i'm sure it will.. this woman is clearly in the wrong.

10:18 AM  
Blogger TMinx said...

Goodluck, shes prob trying to draw sympathy.

4:04 PM  

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