Telling my side of the story

WARNING: I'm not that deep.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Day In Court

My court date was today and my day started out not so well. I dug out my trusty old resume holder (black leather folder that I've had since my pre-college days) and arranged my documents in possible call order. I thought I'd come out looking more prepared if I had that versus a plain old manilla folder. Before leaving the house, I had the frame of mind to grab a yellow legal pad - the American version of fullscap (sp?) paper, I guess. I got to court early and was surprised to find thirty to forty people in the courtroom. Even though the court order instructs you to appear at a precise hour, there were a bunch of people due at that same time for landlord-type cases.

The judge came in thirty minutes later and they did the "All rise for the honorable judge ..." just like they do in the movies. I was a little amused at first because I thought it would play out like tv courtroom where you get to hear other people's business. They took a roll call to make sure everyone that had a case was in the courtroom. The judge advised people to try to settle their cases outside in the hallway if possible because there were so many people awaiting hearings. She announced that people that were being represented by attorneys would go first and then simpler cases (like mine where the defendant wasn't contesting the claim or asking for a counterclaim) would go right after and finally, the more complicated ones would go last.

I looked in VC's direction to see if she wanted to go outside but she looked straight ahead, stoic in her poise. I decided that if she didn't want to go ahead with it, all she had to do was come and talk to me. Cases went by one after another, each more boring than the last and then there was a fifteen minute recess. I noticed that VC had gone outside to the hallway and I decided I'd had enough and wanted to settle. To settle, all we needed to do was to go to the court clerk and get our settlement in writing and approved by the court. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be found. She must have taken a bathroom break or something.

Being that I'm easily irritated, the faint smell of alcohol on the breath of the woman seated next to me was all that was needed to annoy me even more. That, and the pungent BO (body odor) and bad breath that floated in the air every time people around me spoke. I know it was early but for crying out loud, take a bath and brush your teeth before you leave the house, people. You can't be in close proximity with others and just do you. One guy called James Earl Jones (believe it or not) and his girlfriend/wife came and squeezed in next to me. The lady with him said, don't worry, he's little. So what if he's little? He was still too close for comfort. I got up because I couldn't take it any longer and went to seat in the front row right next to VC, who was still avoiding any eye contact, and a well-dressed woman.

Before long, I heard the judge calling my name and noticed VC limping forward. In her response, she'd stated that she'd been ill, so I put two and two together and knew that she was planning to act literally ill in the courtroom. The judge was very sympathetic towards her (even though she didn't show any proof of her illness) but ruled in favor of the plaintiff. The judgement was for $1891 and a writ of possession. I'm not holding my breath in hopes of ever collecting the money but I do know that come Thursday (one week from the judgement), I should have my property back in my possession.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulations gbemi. That whole going to court thing is a big drama. Did that one time for a boyfriend and to me was a waste of my time. ANyhow, thank God all's settled now

4:15 PM  
Blogger Gbemi's Piece said...

Thanks, Anon. It's not really settled. Her time was up as of yesterday but she never handed over the keys. My husband and I swung by around 6:30pm but found evidence that she might still be living there. The drama continues...

8:05 AM  

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